Yeah, nobody gets the reference in the title but I don’t care. A lot of things have happened around here but instead of telling you all the bad stuff here’s a short summary of the good things:
Back in October I read a call for submissions and against my better judgement a good friend convinced me to submit an idea. Only a few days later I heard back from the editor of the magazine that they accepted my submission!
Then stuff happened, my submission was delayed but after some tho and fro, here’s Knit Now Issue 49, with my design in it!
And it’s on the cover, too! I was happily surprised to see that my hat was deemed “Luxury knit for under £5”. And it was high time that I got my hand on the printed copy. It’s not everyday that you can see your name in print, right?
At the moment I plan to publish the single pattern some time soon but meanwhile you can still get a digital or print copy at More Mags. The print edition comes with two cute gifts as well: one booklet full of baby knits and a (k)notions tin saying “Eat. Sleep. Knit.”
Anyhow, my imagination was so fired on that I have several other patterns in the works already. Let’s see how this will turn out.
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!
Liebe Birgitt,
vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass du mein Blog liest!