That’s what my boyfriend answered on Wednesday evening when I told him that I was sick of knitting sleeves.
He might have also called it “phase four”. I didn’t even know there were phases! He explained that there was always a point when I would be sick of the thing I was currently knitting and complaining that I was sick of the garment/sock/etc.
Don’t get me wrong, I love knitting. If there is a day I can’t knit, I will go crazy and find other ways to busy my hands (like eating!! Or fumbling with something else). That’s why there’s also a phase five (or so I was told) when the project will be alright for me again. And I might even like and wear it and secretly enjoy the compliments I get on it. But let me show you what I have so far.
What you can see here is the Aureus cardigan (rav link) from PomPom magazine Issue 8, which I got during my short trip to Hamburg. I loved both this and Morganite from issue 7 and let the boyfriend chose because I simply couldn’t decide. I knew that I almost had enough yarn but decided to order a backup skein anyway. That left me with skeins from three different dye lots which meant alternating every row.
I tell you, not only do I know how to do slanted decreases now, but also slanted increases. This knit taught me so many new things that the whole experience was a bit overwhelming I guess.

Returning to my first argument, the reason why I was so sick of knitting sleeves was that I changed up the sleeve and had to knit the first one three times before maybe getting it right. We’ll see when I sew all the pieces up. Originally I wanted to wear it this weekend when we will be in Vienna and other parts of Austria. I even bought a cute dress to wear the cardigan with but seems like it’s not going to happen now. :(
That leaves me with wishing you a nice, sunny day. I have to head to work now!